Module pyinotify :: Class PrintAllEvents
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Class PrintAllEvents

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Dummy class used to print events strings representations. For instance this class is used from command line to print all received events to stdout.

Instance Methods [hide private]
my_init(self, out=None)
This method is called from ProcessEvent.__init__().
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process_default(self, event)
Writes event string representation to file object provided to my_init().
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Inherited from ProcessEvent: __call__, __init__, nested_pevent, process_IN_Q_OVERFLOW

Inherited from _ProcessEvent: __repr__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from ProcessEvent: pevent

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

my_init(self, out=None)

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This method is called from ProcessEvent.__init__(). This method is empty here and must be redefined to be useful. In effect, if you need to specifically initialize your subclass' instance then you just have to override this method in your subclass. Then all the keyworded arguments passed to ProcessEvent.__init__() will be transmitted as parameters to this method. Beware you MUST pass keyword arguments though.

  • out (Object providing a valid file object interface.) - Where events will be written.
Overrides: ProcessEvent.my_init

process_default(self, event)

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Writes event string representation to file object provided to my_init().

  • event (Event instance) - Event to be processed. Can be of any type of events but IN_Q_OVERFLOW events (see method process_IN_Q_OVERFLOW).
Overrides: ProcessEvent.process_default